Weight Loss

Atlanta Weight Loss and Management

Most Americans struggle with weight gain at some point during their life. In fact, two thirds of the U.S. population is overweight and one third of them are obese! This staggering trend has been steadily rising over the years. There are many familiar factors that contribute to being overweight, such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, disease, hormonal imbalance, medication and heredity.

Although genetics play a part in obesity, it is much more complex in nature. The other, non-hereditary factors listed above are more frequently the culprits.

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Call : 678-303-4420

Before Flowers Weight loss Program

After Flowers Weight loss Program

The Risk of Being Overweight

Weight management is not only an issue of appearance.

The health ramifications can be numerous, including:

  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • high blood pressure
  • stroke, high cholesterol
  • liver and gallbladder disease
  • sleep apnea
  • osteoarthritis
  • infertility

The Cost

One obese adult will cost a family $549,907 in health related illness.

Tax payers spend $147 billion dollars annually on obesity related illness.

Americans spend $33 billion dollars every year on weight loss diets and programs and most are unsuccessful.

The Good News

Help is here for you. There are more options today than ever before. At The Center for Anti Aging and Metabolic Medicine we will guide you through a detailed plan of action customized to work in your daily life. This plan is designed considering your lifestyle, nutrition and metabolic analysis. It will include nutrition and exercise counseling, hormone therapy if indicated, vitamins and mineral supplements and more. This kind of comprehensive program provides a far greater chance of success than fad diets alone.

During your visit all the options will be discussed in detail so that you can make an informed decision that fits your lifestyle. Our goal is to provide support and education so that you succeed.

Contact us today for a risk-free consultation.




1950 Spectrum Cir Suite 505 A. Marietta GA 30067


Monday – Friday   8am – 4pm