Nutritional Analysis

Could your diet be killing you? Your diet could be one of your greatest health risks! Food is a source of energy, but is also important for your mental and physical well-being. Optimal nutrition contributes to the prevention and reduction of many risk factors for disease. Heart attacks, strokes and cancer are the leading killers in this country and it is estimated that 90% are preventable. The American Cancer Society reports that diet alone is responsible for at least one third of all cancers.

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The numbers for obesity in the U. S. are staggering! Two-thirds of all Americans are overweight or obese, a risk factor that will soon surpass smoking as the leading preventable cause of death in this country. In 2005, the life expectancy was 77.6 years in the U.S. but as we continue to increase in weight this will likely take a sharp dive in the future. The good news is that you still have the opportunity to improve your health, quality of life and your longevity by mindfully choosing what you eat.

A new field of scientific research that studies the complex interplay between diet and genes is called nutrigenomics. Their primary goal is to develop dietary intervention strategies designed to prevent disease. They have discovered that certain food chemicals can change the expression of genes and even the genome itself. Individual make up of genes along with dietary choices play a large part in the development of chronic disease. This also means that a one size fits all diet does not work for disease prevention.

Our goal at The Center for Anti-Aging and Metabolic Medicine is to evaluate all risk factors for disease including nutrition, exercise, medical history and family history to locate any problem areas and prevent future disease. A specialized plan will be designed for each patient and you will be given the tools and support you need for success. We look forward to helping you stay healthy and active during your life!

Contact us for an evaluation today!




1950 Spectrum Cir Suite 505 A. Marietta GA 30067


Monday – Friday   8am – 4pm